Seed Library
What is a seed library?
The seed library is the Cicero Public Library’s seed collection! Every growing season, the seed library will be available for patrons to browse flower, fruit, vegetable, and herb seeds.
Patrons are welcome to look through the seed library’s drawers to see what seeds are available. Up to four seed packets can be taken home to start growing! Seed packets are provided at no cost to patrons and without expectation that they will return to the library.
What do seeds have to do with the library? Seeds are nature’s way of storing information on how to grow a plant. Each seed knows how to grow so that it will become a flower, fruit, vegetable, or herb. Our goal is to make nature available to patrons, and provide supporting information about each seed.
For questions about the seed library, including seed donation inquiries, please contact the Reference Department via email at or by phone at 708-652-8084 x6.
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